Medical Malpractice
Schedule Your Free Consultation Today
We all trust our healthcare providers, but sometimes they make errors that are harmful to their patients. Malpractice cases occur when a patient suffers an injury from a medical treatment or after failing to receive adequate medical treatment. A bad medical result is not always malpractice, and knowing how to tell the difference is critical.
We have won millions at trial for our clients and use
world class experts.
Free Medical Malpractice Case Evaluation
We represent victims of medical negligence in Clinton, Oak Ridge, Knoxville, and throughout East Tennessee. If you suspect malpractice, contact us at (865) 457-9100.
Medical Malpractice Lawyers in Tennessee
Not every bad outcome is medical malpractice. There must be substantial injury and evidence that physicians, nurses or hospital staff deviated from the accepted standard of care.
Medical malpractice can take many forms:
• Birth injuries (cerebral palsy, brain damage, nerve damage)
• Failure to diagnose cancer and other grave illness
• Failure to diagnose heart attack, sepsis or acute conditions
• Surgery errors and post-surgical complications
• Prescription errors (wrong dose, wrong drug, contraindications)
Malpractice litigation is extremely expensive and the legal threshold is high. As of November 2009, a certificate of good faith from an independent physician is first required to even file a medical negligence lawsuit. Going to trial or negotiating a settlement requires extensive documentation and expert testimony.
Of all the malpractice inquiries we receive, The Cantrell Law Firm will ultimately pursue only a few lawsuits. However, you may have one of those viable cases. It costs you nothing to have your potential malpractice claim evaluated. If we do pursue your case, there are no attorney fees unless we recover compensation.
Clinton medical malpractice Attorney Dail Cantrell is one of the few lawyers in East Tennessee who even takes medical negligence cases. His skilled and aggressive representation has yielded a number of verdicts and settlements in these hard-to-win cases.
Contact Us Today if You Suspect Medical Malpractice
We are committed to justice for those who have been devastated by the errors or poor judgment of medical professionals. Dail Cantrell has tried more than 200 personal injury cases, including medical malpractice, and he has won nearly every one of those trials.